Monday, January 31, 2011

Taxi Industry In Crisis because of Government Greed

When you next complain about Perth Taxis you need to first stop and think;  
Why are they so bad and who benefits?
The answer is simple.   The worst the supposed inefficiency the more the government can justify the addition of new plates to its own financial benefit.   The more plates the less drivers earn so good drivers have to leave the industry.   The government then has to lower its standards to get more drivers who are then even less capable and efficient.   That means more cab plates need to be released and therefore more bad drivers recruited.  
This is a downward spiral.   Bad drivers mean bad efficiency which means more bad drivers.
The public is ripped off and the good drivers are forced out because of increased competition in numbers not in efficiency.   
The next time you are waiting for half an hour for a cab to arrive at your door it probably isn't because of a shortage of cabs but because the driver allocated your job has been too incompetent to find your location.   Meanwhile there is a good driver sitting around waiting to be allocated a job.  
You are being inconvenienced and he isn't earning any cash whilst some incompetent is off into the wild blue yonder ignoring your job.  
We don't need more Cabs we need better cab drivers and that won't happen when our income is eroded to less than minimum wages because the government wants more income from more plates released.

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